Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 54: Daily Aztec Life & Review

IWBAT summarize the daily lives of the Aztecs, including marriage, family life, food, markets, religious practices, and recreation.

1. Do Now
2. Aztec Temple of Blood 
3. "Children of the Sun"
4. Religious Practices Notes
5. Aztec Daily Life- 2 Stations left
6. Aztec Bingo Review
7.Assign H/W: Study Guide for Aztecs Quiz
8. Exit Slip 

Reminders: Now is the time to check your grades!!  Make sure you have turned in everything on the computer correctly.  If not, ask Ms. Lake for a Absent Computer Work Slip so she knows you have completed it.
*Exit Slips will now be graded, so turn them in the day you return and do your best work.

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