Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 46: Aztecs Rise and Tenochtitlan (Thursday 3/7/2013)

Aim: IWBAT describe the beginnings of the Aztecs. 

How did the Aztecs Rise to Power? 

1. Do Now
2. Notes #64:  Aztec Brain Pop (N.D. Only)
3. 500 Nations Video Clip  
4.  Aztec Flowchart Directions-Group Practice posted on 

5.IP: 23.2 Q’s & Flowchart
6. Quizlet Practice or Explore South America Maps
7. Assign H/W: Vocabulary Squares
8. ExitSlip

*Most difficult question on Ch. 22 Assessment= #16
*Schedule a time to re-take your Central America Map Test, or attend tutoring next Monday.

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