Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 93: Fakebook for Renaissance Figures (Tuesday 5/28/13)

Aim: IWBAT analyze major Renaissance figures.

1. Do Now
2. Complete your PowerPoint , Quizlet Practice, Ending Scene of Romeo & Juliet , or Map Games
3.  Facebook Introduction-research
4. Assign H/W
5. Exit Slip 

**NEW CHALLENGE: 5 days in a row of 90% or higher= no h/w pass for the last week of school!  SWEET!

Renaissance Figures
1.     Dante Alighieri
       (p. 349, Blue book)
2.     Niccolo Machiavelli
(pg. 352, Blue book)
3.     Miguel de Cervantes
(pg. 365, Printout, Blue book)
4.     William Shakespeare
(pg. 364, Printout, Blue book)
5.     El Greco
6.     Sir Thomas More (Printout)
7.     Francois Rabelais (Printout)
8.     Christine de Pizan (Printout, online)


9.     Michelangelo
(pg. pg. 348 & Pg. 357, Blue book)
10.   Leonardo da Vinci
(pg. 350-351, 366, Printout, Blue book)
11.   Sandro Botticelli
(pg. 347)
12.   Titian
(pg. 358)
13.   Albrecht Durer
(pg. 359, Printout, Blue book)

14.   Petrarch
(pg. 340, Blue book)
15.   Desiderius Erasmus
 (Printout, Blue book)
16.   Christine de Pizan

17.   Filippo Brunelleschi
(pg. 345-346)
18.   Johann Gutenberg
(pg. 356, 368-371, Blue book)

Public Figures
19.   Queen Elizabeth I
(pg. 363-364)
20.   Pope Leo X
( Printout)
21.   Queen Isabella
(pg. 362, Printout)


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