Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 73: Feudalism in Action- Ever After (Thursday 4/25/13)

Aim: IWBAT analyze the film Ever After as it relates to feudal Europe.
 Agenda: 1. Do Now
2. Ever After & Q's
3. Exit Slip

Pizza Challenge: Above 80% on spiral question.
  • Monday 4/16: 94% (missing 4 people)
  • Tuesday 4/17: 97% (missing 3 people)
  • Wednesday 4/18: 97% (missing 3 people)
  • Thursday 4/18:97%  (missing 3 people)
  • Friday 4/19:  Free Day! 
  • Monday 4/22:94% (missing 4 people)
  • Thursday: ?
  • Friday: ? 

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