Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 77: R.C.C. & Feudalism Mashup (Wednesday May 1)

Aim: IWBAT analyze how the bubonic plague spread from Central Asia to Europe, and evaluate the impact it had on the population of Europe and on feudalism.

IWBAT explain the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV.

1. Do Now
2. Church & Plague Mashup: Notes # 76 (yesterday's were supposed to be # 75-I'm bad at that!)
3. Classwork
4. Wrap-Up & Review Q's (Plague Song)
4. Assign H/W 
5. Exit Slip


Day 76: Roman Catholic Church & Decline of Feudalism Mashup (Tuesday 4/30/13)

Aim: IWBAT describe significant medieval English political developments and their impact on feudalism.

IWBAT describe the structure and role of the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe.

1. Do Now
2. Ever After follow up on edmodo
3. Notes # 74: Church & Decline of Feudalism Mashup
4. Classwork:  Magna Carta & Power of the People
5. Class Summary
6. Exit Slip  

Announcements: Pizza Wednesday?
  • Monday 4/16: 94% (missing 4 people)
  • Tuesday 4/17: 97% (missing 3 people)
  • Wednesday 4/18: 97% (missing 3 people)
  • Thursday 4/18:97%  (missing 3 people)
  • Friday 4/19:  Free Day! 
  • Monday 4/22:94% (missing 4 people)
  • Thursday & Friday 4/23 & 4/24 Redo: 81%, 93%, 81%, 81%= woohoo!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 75: Ever After and Feudalism (Monday 4/29/13)

Aim:  IWBAT analyze Ever After as it relates to feudal Europe.

1. Do Now (on edmodo today)
2. Complete Ever After & Q's
3. Coat of Arms
4. Assign H/W 
5. Exit Slip
  • Monday 4/16: 94% (missing 4 people)
  • Tuesday 4/17: 97% (missing 3 people)
  • Wednesday 4/18: 97% (missing 3 people)
  • Thursday 4/18:97%  (missing 3 people)
  • Friday 4/19:  Free Day! 
  • Monday 4/22:94% (missing 4 people)
  • Thursday:74% and 85% (re-do because edmodo was acting wacky) ?
  • Friday: ?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 74: Feudalism and Ever After (Friday 4/26/13)

Aim: IWBAT analyze Ever After as it relates to feudal Europe.
1. Do Now 
2. Ever After & Q's 
3. Assign H/W & Exit Slip

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 73: Feudalism in Action- Ever After (Thursday 4/25/13)

Aim: IWBAT analyze the film Ever After as it relates to feudal Europe.
 Agenda: 1. Do Now
2. Ever After & Q's
3. Exit Slip

Pizza Challenge: Above 80% on spiral question.
  • Monday 4/16: 94% (missing 4 people)
  • Tuesday 4/17: 97% (missing 3 people)
  • Wednesday 4/18: 97% (missing 3 people)
  • Thursday 4/18:97%  (missing 3 people)
  • Friday 4/19:  Free Day! 
  • Monday 4/22:94% (missing 4 people)
  • Thursday: ?
  • Friday: ? 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 72:Feudalism Assessment (Monday 4/22/13)

Aim:  IWBAT achieve 80% or higher on my Ch. 2 assessment.

1. Do Now 
2. Quizlet Practice
3. Ch. 2 Assessment
4. Coat of Arms: Due Friday!! You can turn them in early to Ms. Lake's cart. :)
5. Assign H/W

Pizza Challenge: Above 80% on spiral question.
  • Monday 4/16: 94%
  • Tuesday 4/17: 97% 
  • Wednesday 4/18: 97% 
  • Thursday 4/18:97%  
  • Friday 4/19:  Free Day!
  • ***********
  • Monday 4/22: ?

Day 71: Coat of Arms (Friday 4/19/13)

Aim: IWBAT review the four major classes in feudal Europe.

1.  Do Now & CNN Student News
2. H/W Check
3. Feudalism Chart: Peasants
4. Coat of Arms
5. Exit Slip & H/W 
Monday 4/16: 94%
Tuesday 4/17: 97%

Wednesday 4/18: 97%
Thursday 4/18:97% ( We are still missing 2 students!)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 70: Lords, Ladies, & Knights Oh My! (Thursday 4/18/13)

Aim: IWBAT differentiate between the roles and responsibilities of the four main social classes in European feudal society.

1. Do Now
2. H/W Check
3. Feudalism Chart: Lords, Ladies, & Knights
         **Quizlet or Map Game of Europe
4. Summary
5. Assign H/W
6. Exit Slip

1. Spiral Review Update:
Monday 4/16: 94%
Tuesday 4/17: 97%

Wednesday 4/18: 97% (2 students who were out of class at the start of the Do Now missed the question) 
Thursday 4/18: ?? 


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 69: William the Conquerer (Wednesday 4/17/13)

Aim:  IWBAT explain how William the Conquerer brought feudalism to England.

1. Do Now
2. H.W. Check
3. William the Conquer*Summary on edmodo
4. Fuedalism Chart-Part 1: Monarchs
5. Check in-yesterdays Chart
6. Assign H/W
7. Exit Slip

1. Spiral Review Update:
Monday 4/16: 94%
Tuesday 4/17: 97%

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 68: Vikings & the Monarchy (Tuesday 4/15/13)

Aim: IWBAT explain the feudal system.

1. Do Now
2. H/W Check
3. Feudalism: The Serfs' Fate
4. Quizlet
5. Code of Armor
6.Assign H/W
7. Exit Slip

1)  94% on our spiral review question from yesterday! :) If we get 80% or higher on the next 9 spiral questions-7th grade will earn a pizza party at lunch. :)

2)  There will be a daily poll in edmodo if you finish your work early. :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 67: Feudalism Takes Hold (Monday 4/15/13)

Aim: IWBAT describe the accomplishments of Charlemagne and what caused a need for feudalism.


1. Do Now
2. 2.2 Classwork
      *Quizlet Practice
3. Feudalism Graphic Organizer
4. Coat of Arms Final Draft
5. Assign H/W:  Notes Check and Reading
6. Exit Slip

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 66: (Friday 4/12/2013)

Aim: IWBAT explain how Charlemagne impacted the growth feudalism.

1. Do Now:  CNN Student News & GRAPES
2.Notes # 73
3. Section 2.2 Classwork
4.Assign H/W
5. Exit Slip & Raffle

Day 65: Smartie Social Structure (Thursday 4/10/13)

Aim: IWBAT define feudalism and the roles within.

How well did feudalism establish order in Europe in the Middle Ages? 

1. Do Now
2. Smartie Social Structure
3. Reflection on Edmodo
4. Notes #73
5. Loyalty Scroll
6. Assign H/W
7. Exit Slip

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 64: Americas Map Test & Colombus (Wednesday 4/9/2013)

Aim: IWBAT achieve 80% or higher on my S. America map test.

1. Do Now
2. H/W Check
3. Map Test
4. Classwork
5. Assign H/W: Test C's
6. Exit Slip

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 63: Americas Empire fall & achievement project (Tuesday 4/9/13)

Aim: IWBAT summarize the fall of the Aztec and Inca.


1. Do Now
2.Map Partner Practice
3. Notes #72
4. Conquistador Classwork
5. Map Game
6.Test Corrections
7. Assign H/W
8. Exit Slip

Day 62: Inca Assessment & Fall of Americas (Monday 4/8/2013)

Aim:  IWBAT achieve 80% or higher on my Inca assessment.

IWBAT explain how the Inca and Aztecs fell.

1. Do Now 
2. Quipu challenge
3. Quizlet practice
4. Ch. 25 Assessment
5. Notes # 72
6. Assign H/W
7. Exit Slip

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 61: Inca Daily Life & Review (Friday 4/5/13)

Aim: IWBAT to create a diary entry with facts about Incan daily life. 

1. Do Now: GRAPES & CNN Student News (15)
2. Diary Entry
3.Quizlet Practice
4. Assign H/W
5. Exit Slip

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 60: Inca Religion (Thursday 4/4/13)

IWBAT analyze the religious beliefs and practices of the Inca.

1. Do Now
2. H/W Check
3. Notes # 71: Inca Religion
4. 25.5 Classwork
5. Diary Entry= Exit Slip Today
6. Assign H/W

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 59: Inca Rise & Flourish (Wednesday 4/3/13)

Aim: IWBAT identify and describe the three major class structures in the Inca Society.

1. Do Now & CW from 25.2 (UCLA needs to complete 4/2 Exit Slip)
2. H/W Check
3. BrainPop
4. Notes # 71
5. Map Practice
6. Review
7. Assign H/W
8. Exit Slip

1.  Celebrate getting 100% on our Benchmark review question from yesterday!!
2.  Don't forget to make-up any missing online work and fill out a computer absent work slip!
3.  If you earned 100% you got an edmodo badge!  5= no homework pass!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 58: Incas Rule Far & Wide (Tuesday 4/2/13)

IWBAT describe how the Incas built on the accomplishments of other cultures.
IWBAT describe how the Incas overcame challenges to rule a HUGE empire!

1. Do Now (UCLA completes Mon. E.Slip)
2.  Incan Telephone
3. Notes #70
4. 25.2 Classwork 
5. Challenge
6. Assign H/W
7. Exit Slip