Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 8: Foreign Contacts Under the Yuan (Mongols)


         IWBAT explain the importance of overland trade and identify products that traveled along the trade routes during the Tang and Yuan dynasties.

 Do Now: True or False
1.  Buddhism was brought to China from India.
2.  The Tang dynasty was not welcome to foreigners at all.
3.  The Tang government always accepted Buddhists.
**BONUS:  Which famous European traveled to China and wrote about it?

1. Do Now
2. Changing attitudes
3. Glogster Time
4. "At the Khan's Court During the Yuan Dynasty"
5.  Marco Polo Goes to China
6. Assign H/W
7. Exit Slip
       STEP 1:  Click on the link and create a New Account-
          by clicking on Sign Up.Write down in Password 
       STEP 2:  Choose a Wide Glog template
       STEP 3:  Ms. Lake. Remember to name it 
           First Name.Last Name.Title of Assignment
              Example:   M.Lake.Tang.Glog
       STEP 4: Complete my glog using the directions on the handout. :)

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