Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 21: The Tale of Genji Dig (Wednesday 1/30/2013)

  •   IWBAT describe the golden age of Japan by using examples from “The Tale of Genji”.
Do Now:

1.  What is the time period we refer to as a golden age in Japan?
2.  What does this picture have to do with aristocrats?

1.  Do Now
2.  Read excerpt 
3.Peer edit Genji Dig
4.  Genji post on edmodo
5. Type final draft
6. Assign H/W
7.Exit Slip 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 20: The Tale of Genji (Tuesday 1/29/2013)

  •          IWBAT describe the golden age of Japan by using examples from “The Tale of Genji”.
Do Now:
Imagine you have an exchange student staying with you from another country.  What tips would you give them about living in SF? Explain.


1.  Do Now
2.  Video Clip
3.  Heian Notes # 54
4. Reader’s Theatre
5. The Tale of Genji Dig
6. Assign H/W
7.Exit Slip 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 19: Ch. 20 Assessment (Monday 1/28/2013)

  • IWBAT achieve 80% or higher on my Ch. 19 assessment. 
Do Now:

Do you agree or disagree with Prince Shotoku’s decision to adopt Chinese ideas?  Why or why not?


1. Do Now-
2. Cram Session
3. Ch. 19 Assessment
4.  Ch. 20 Preview & Intro.
4. Assign. H/W: Vocabulary Squares
5. Exit Slip

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 18: Cultural Influence Review (Friday 1/25/13)


IWBAT summarize major cultural elements adopted by Japan.

Do Now:

BONUS Question:

What are the 4 major Japanese islands?


1.  Do Now & CNN Student News
2.  Study Guide
3. Rags to Riches 
4. Quizlet & Map Game Practice
5. Assign H/W
6.Exit Slip

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 17: Cultural Influence (Thursday 1/24/13)


IWBAT summarize major cultural elements adopted by Japan.

Do Now:True or false 

Make the false statements true.

1. ___ There are 4 islands that makeup Japan.

2.___  Cotton and tea are the two main crops.

3.___ Russia is near Japan.

4.___ Japan was influenced greatly by neighboring countries.


1.  Do Now
2.  Video Clip on culture
3.  Culture Stations
4. Check answers online
5.  Cultural Matching Game
6. Assign H/W
7.Exit Slip