Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 1: Starting With Chrome Books! (12/11/12)

Hi 7th Grade Historians!
  • IWBAT  describe Chinese technological developments from about 200 to 1400 C.E. expecially during the Tang and Song dynasties.
  • IWBAT review the importance of following classroom procedures and expectations when using Chromebooks. 
  •  *************************************************************************************************

1. Do Now
2. Writing Mandarin
3. Achievement Stations
4. Chromebooks Introduction
5. Assign H/W: Ch. 16 Test Corrections
6. Exit Slip  

Today marks our first day with the beautiful Chromebooks!  Let's treat them with love and care to maximize our learning. 

Chromebook Usage Agreement
Using a computer in class is a privilege, not a right. I will earn this privilege by:

·         treating the Chromebook with care:
o   I will always use two hands to carry the computer.
o   I will walk carefully and cautiously around the room.
o   I will only use the computer when it is on a stationary, flat surface.
o   I will not touch the screen.
o   I will be gentle with the keys.
o   I will keep all food and drinks off the desk and away from the computer.
·         using the Chromebook responsibly:
o   I will use the computer only when I have permission.
o   I will only go the sites designated by Ms. Lake, and I will only use them for activities related to class.
o   I will stop working when asked.
o   I will close the screen when Ms. Lake is giving directions and when completing activities as a class.
o   I will keep the sound off unless given permission to use it.
·         demonstrating initiative, integrity, and tenacity:
o   I will think critically and creatively.
o   I will complete all work myself. I will never take credit for the work of other people.
o   I will effectively use all time in class.
o   I will assign myself to silent reading or other appropriate activities if I finish early.
o   I will not give up when I encounter problems.
o   I will be a leader and help my teammates.
·         using the Internet safely:
o   I will only use my account while at school.
o   I will keep my identity and personal information secret on public sites.
o   I will protect my passwords.
o   I will be respectful when working and writing online.
o   I will report any unsafe activity to my parents/guardians or teachers.
o   I will never use social networking sites while at school.
o   I will not download any programs, applications, or other material without Mr. Lake’s permission.
I understand that the items listed above include many, but not all, of the things I must do to earn and maintain the privilege of using a computer in Social Studies class. In addition to these items, of course I will also comply with all other school rules and items in the KIPP Bayview Academy Commitment to Excellence.
STUDENT SIGNATURE                                                                                             DATE
                                  ________                        _________________________________ ___kippster                  

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