Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 42: Mayan Religion & Calendars (Friday 3/1/13)


IWBAT describe the structure of Mayan society, and the roles and functions of each class and important aspects of their culture.

1. Do Now & CNN Student News
2. H/W Check 
3. Stations
      a) Religious Beliefs & Practices PPT Notes & 
          Apacolypto Question
     Station B:  Daily Life for Mayan & Edmodo Post
      c) Lost Kingdom of the Maya Video 
4. Assign H/W
5. Exit Slip- grade reflection
6. RAFFLE w/ Pok-a-Tok

Day 41: Mayan Social Classes (Thursday 2/28/13)

 Aim: IWBAT describe the structure of Mayan society, and the roles and functions of each class.

1. Do Now
2. Mayan Social Class (22.3 Notes)
3. Central America Map- fill out countries and color
4.Mayan Social Class Partner Search
5. Practice Countries Map Game: Quiz on Wednesday :)
6. Exit Slip
7. Assign H/W

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 40: The Olmec Society (Wednesday 2/27/13)

IWBAT summarize the development of early societies-the Olmec.

1. Do Now
2. Power Point Notes #62 on edmodo3.  Section 22.2 Activity & Summary/ Quizlet
4. Check-In
5. Assign H/W
6. Exit Slip

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 39: Americas Introduction (Tuesday 2/26/13)

Aim: IWBAT define and map the political and geographical features of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations.

1. Do Now
2. Yesterday's Predictions
3. Notes # 60 BrainPop: MesoAmerica
4. Geography of the Americas
5. Assign H/W
6. Exit Slip: Mapping